JuliAnn Van Asdlan

I started my fitness journey with Colin after having two babies and it has been a godsend to not only my physical fitness by my mental fitness as well. I was very intimidated to join a gym but Colin was so friendly and encouraging even when I couldn’t do the full workout. On this journey, Colin has helped me gain back my “pre-baby” athleticism which in turn has increased my mental strength and stamina to keep up with two toddlers! Beyond becoming comfortable with strength and conditioning moves, I have gained so much more. Colin has safely pushed me beyond what I thought possible for myself.

Being a mother of two young boys, I was so happy to find how family friendly The Compound is! Colin has his own family members involved in The Compound and encourages clients to involve their families as well. The Compound has kids classes every other weekend which my 4 year old has come to love and look forward to. He loves Brandon, Colin’s brother, and the movement oriented activities they get to participate in. Brandon is so great with all the kids and great coach for the adults as well.

I am now much stronger and my strength abilities have grown beyond anything I thought possible. I like the challenge that Colin provides me at every training session and how hard he works to teach proper form to ensure his clients lift safely without injury. The community Colin has created with The Compound fits people from all fitness levels and walks of life!